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Infancia y Aprendizaje in Thomson Scientific/ISI’s Web of Knowledge
Written by FIA   
Tuesday, 01 January 2008 01:00

2008 is the third year in this new stage for Infancia y Aprendizaje, since it was incorporated, in 2006, into the Web of Knowledge, an array of the most relevant journals in academia in terms of impact and quality, as established by Thomson Scientific/Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) criteria.

The prestige of scientific journals on an international level is closely related to their impact factor (IF), estimated following Thomson Scientific’s calculations, which attend to several parameters related to the academic citations a specific article or journal generates.

Since the publication of the first issue of Infancia y Aprendizaje in 1978, our intent as publishers has been to promote the development and spread of human sciences in Spain and Latin America, by observing the most rigorous quality criteria in all our publications.

The amount of citations received by Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje’s journals has not been a goal but a product of the sustained quality of its journals, issues, and articles, supported and driven by the indefatigable labour of our Editorial Boards throughout many years, by the reviewers’ help and rigor, by our authors’ productivity and self-improvement spirit, and by the support and interest of our readers and subscribers. We want them all to share this event with us.

The inclusion of Infancia y Aprendizaje in ISI’s Web of Knowledge is a remarkable outcome inasmuch as it implies a larger spread and better appraisal of our journal and hence of our authors, and results in one more reason for our motivation to sustain our effort for working for and raising the excellence and quality demands of all our publications.

After more than 30 years fostering and working for quality in the development and publication of science in Spanish language, we are most pleased with this acknowledgment, and renew our commitment to maintaining and increasing the quality that made it possible in the years to come.

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