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FIA - Research - Cultural Backgrounds

Cultural Backgrounds of Development



A diagnostic study of cultural backgrounds and activity systems for educational action in Toba communities in Argentina. Project funded by the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo [Spanish Office of International Cooperation for Development] and the participation of Save the Children Argentina and Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje.


Activity systems and spare time of Spanish children. Report made by CIEDH (Centro de Investigaciones para la Educación y el Desarrollo Humano) [Research Center for Human Education and Development] for the Centro de Estudios del Menor, Dirección General de Protección Jurídica al Menor, Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales [Center for Minors Studies, General Office for Minors' Legal Protection-Spanish Ministry of Social Affairs].



Communication backgrounds and activities in school second language teaching and design of an experimental curricular immersion program. Project carried out by CIEDH (Centro de Investigaciones para la Educación y el Desarrollo Humano) [Research Center for Human Education and Development] for the Liceo Europeo de Madrid.


Environmental structure and ways of life in Seville's historical neighborhoods (psycho-ecological study of the population of a habitat for urban planning intervention). Research funded by Pro-Sevilla with the participation of the Ayuntamiento de Sevilla [Seville City Hall] and the Colegio de Arquitectos de Sevilla [Seville Architects Association].


Related publications


Rosemberg, C. R. & Ojea, G. (2010). Aprender a leer desde las culturas: Las aventuras de Huacagñe. Manual para educadores y comunidades. Madrid: Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje.

Álvarez, A. & del Río, P. (1999).  Cultural mind and cultural identity: projects for life in body and spirit. In S. Chaiklin, M. Hedegaard & U. Juul Jensen (Eds), Activity theory and social practice: cultural historical approaches (pp. 302-324). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.

Álvarez, A. (1994).  Child’s everyday life. An ecological approach to the study of activity systems. In A. Álvarez & P. del Río (Eds.), Explorations in Socio-Cultural Studies. Vol. 4. Education as a cultural construction (pp. 23- 38). Madrid: Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje.

Álvarez, A., Guerrero, F. & del Río, P. (1979). La vida en el Barrio. Sevilla: Prosevilla.

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