How to publish in Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje journals
Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje has signed a Publishing Partnership Agreement with Taylor & Francis Group, whereby the British company will manage the publication of all our journals in a bilingual version: English and Spanish. We recommend our authors to read more about publishing in our journals on Taylor & Francis' excellent Author Services website.
1) Scope adjustment Check our journals' scopes. If you observe deep discrepancies between your article and the particular journal's editorial scope, keep in mind that it is highly likely your work will be immediately rejected.
2) Manuscripts admittedIn each journal's section, the type of manuscripts accepted is clearly stated. If your work's subject or approach are not included in the list of accepted manuscripts indications, you might want to reconsider submission. Possibly another one of our journals does accept that kind of subject or approach.
3) Author guidelinesFundación Infancia y Aprendizaje sets author guidelines for all our journals: As a rule, contributions submitted in English should follow the style recommendations given in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition, and contributions in Spanish should follow the style recommendations given in the Manual de publicaciones de la American Psychological Association, 3a edición. However, each journal's guidelines may show variations. We strongly recommend you to visit the section of the specific journal to which you wish to submit your work and carefully read the author guidelines to complement this information.
4) Read our Writing GuideIn the Guía de Escritura para las revistas de la FIA (only in Spanish, for the time being) you may find several useful recommendations destined to improve your article, as well as to spare referees from unnecessary work, thus speeding your manuscript's publication. We also advise you to check the support documents de apoyo we have included in this section.