Starting 2012, all Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje journals use the plagiarism detection system known as CrossCheck. CrossCheck has built, with the help of the most important sicentific publishers in the world (that are already a part of the CrossRef™ system), a database in which a great amount of current and historical contents are being accumulated from thousands of journals and other scientific publications. At the same time, CrossCheck provides a tool (iThenticate) that enables the comparison between any document (usually, manuscripts submitted for review, but it may also check published content or any other text document) with the contents indexed in the database as well as Internet websites. The system then begins checking authored works against the database. This is done through the web-based iThenticate system by uploading a document and running a similarity check against the CrossCheck database, and optionally the wider internet. iThenticate returns a set of results listing documents that share a significant degree of textual overlap with the target document. This "originality report" may be used as a criterion for the analysis of the manuscript by the referees, and may eventually result in a rejection due to plagiarism or prior publication. Through the use of this system in the reviewing process of all FIA journals, our content value for authors and subscribers is significantly increased.
Benefits for authors The CrossCheck system, besides guaranteeing published content originality for all FIA journals (which results in higher quality and prestige for the authors that publish in them), is an excellent way of ensuring that published content is not plagiarized after publication.
Benefits for subscribers FIA holds a comitment to its subscribers: our journals publish exclusively original, unpublished manuscripts. And we use all the technological advances available to live up to it. CrossCheck system offers a spectacular advance in this direction. mantiene un compromiso con sus suscriptores: nuestras revistas sólo publican artículos originales e inéditos. Y empleamos todos los avances tecnológicos disponibles para cumplirlo.
Benefits for librarians FIA journals relevance is maintained and increased through the application of tools that, like CrossCheck, secure article quality and subscription value, and consolidate our journals as indispensable for libraries of universities and organizations dedicated to psychology, education and culture. |