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FIA - Toolbox - Reference and Document Sharing

Managing and sharing references and documents


I can't find that article about memory and encefalitis I downloaded a while ago...
Where did I put the pdf Paul sent me yesterday?
I think you'd be interested in the article by this author, in that journal, from the year...
Have you read this author's latest work?” ...

Scientific information is increasingly abundant, and the challenge is not just accessing it, but organizing it and sharing it in a time-saving and efficient fashion. But with the currently available tools, the scenarios we just pictured belong to the past.

Let me browse my latest downloads in CiteULike
Add me in Connotea
Here is my Papers address

Sentences such as these will suffice for colleagues who share professional interests to stay connected and instantly share whatever they are currently reading.

Here at FIA we have selected some of the best online tools especially conceived to organize scholarly references and documents, and sharing them with coleagues for whom we might think are interesting.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010 00:00



Bookends is an application for Mac OS X especially conceived for researchers.

Bookends allows to import references from EndNote, PDFs or files in our hard drive, or directly from the Internet through PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, JSTOR, Amazon, and many other sources, allowing for PDF download when available. These sources can then be managed, annotated and cited from within the same application.

More about Bookends
Friday, 25 June 2010 13:53



Mendeley does more than organizing and sharing references and documents. In fact, it does a whole lot more.

Mendeley is a desktop and web application for Linux, Mac and Windows which extracts bibliographic information directly from the desired PDF documents and then builds a database that can then be exported to any format we desire, and shared with the colleagues we wish (quite useful for research groups) or the larger Mendeley community.

More about Mendeley
Friday, 25 June 2010 13:37



Zotero is a Firefox extension designed for storing, organizing, citing and sharing research sources.

Zotero not only allows storage of scholarly papers, but also websites, images, links... A feature especially useful in current research, more and more reliable on non-academic sources.

More about Zotero
Friday, 25 June 2010 10:48



CiteULike is an online service for storing and organizing references and pdf documents found in the Internet.

Moreover, it allows for documents to be shared with coleagues and friends, for people with similar interests to be found (for instance, who else is reading that one article that I've found so interesting, and what other stuff that person is reading); all of it with an intuitive, user-friendly interface, accessible from anywhere in the world through an Internet connection.

More about CiteULike
Thursday, 24 June 2010 10:32



Connotea is one of the most extended systems for reference organization and sharing.

Great ease of use, simple and elegant interface, powerful tools, possibility of applying it to any Internet-based content: these and other virtues make Connotea a very useful tool for making the most of our academic work.

More about Connotea
Thursday, 24 June 2010 10:31



Scribd is, in short, the YouTube of written documents.

We may upload any document we wish (Word, PDF, PowerPoint): Scribd turns it into a web file (iPaper) viewable online, from any place, at any time; and of course, shareable with anyone we desire.

Although it is not specifically designed for scholarly papers, but to all kinds of written documents, its flexibility and unspecificity allow for countless uses and offer great advantages to scientific research.

More about Scribd
Tuesday, 08 June 2010 00:00



Bibsonomy is a system for sharing and organizing bookmarks and lists of literature. It stores the publications we wish in its server so that we may access them from anywhere, enables tagging so we can locate them with ease, it suggests similar entries, and facilitates communication between users and groups with common interests.

More about Bibsonomy
Tuesday, 08 June 2010 00:00



Papers is a commercial application for Mac OS X, especially designed for researchers, which enables to organize in a personal library all our documents and research papers in an intuitive and simple fashion.

Endless searches through our folders and desktop for a particular article or author are over: Papers offers powerful search tools, tagging and collections so that finding a paper will take just a few seconds.

More about Papers

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